Another Use for Your Macabi Skirt Pant Clip

I recently spent 5 weeks in Southern Sudan helping with the start up of a hospital, clinic, pharmacy, OR. I traveled to Juba and on the way home, the busdriver's door kept opening. It was broken and would not stay shut. I was set behind the driver by the two Sudanese doctors I worked with. Their instructions were, "Don't move and don't take out your camera." They were nervous about this long trip back from Juba by myself. Well, I followed neither of their instructions. I became the hero when I took the clip off my Macabi Skirt and clipped the door shut. Then we could be on our way. I discretely took out my camera and snapped a photo.
For the trip I took my scrubs, three shirts, and my two Macabi Skirts. This was plenty. I left the scrubs in Werkok at the hospital and came home with a small carry on. The customs agent could not believe I traveled 5 weeks with two skirts and three shirts. I did tell her that I left scrubs in Sudan. She just could not believe it. I look forward to returning with my Macabi Skirts.Catherine T.